Discount Plan

Here Are Some Examples Of The Savings You’ll Get By Joining:

discount plan new

Ask Us For A Comprehensive List Of The Savings You And Your Family Can Enjoy On Dental Treatment!

How much does it cost to be a member of the Discount Membership Plan? Individual – $120; Family of 3 – $300; Family of 4 and up – $300+$100 per additional person (all Family plans for Parents & children under 18 only)
How do I sign up? Speak with our staff and they will be happy to enroll you immediately!
Call Now! 972-801-2788

Save On Dental Work = More For The Family

Why pay full price for dental procedures? With Pinnacle Dental’s annual membership plan you get the same high-quality service we are known for, but at a lower cost. An annual membership is $120 and makes you eligible to pay 30-70% less on dental procedures* (Non-Insurance Fees) for the next 12 months. New memberships will also receive 2 Exams with X-Rays, and 1 Teeth Cleaning absolutely free!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Pinnacle Dental Annual Discount Membership Plan?”
Our Discount Membership Plan saves patients 30-70% or more off average dental treatment fees in our area. The plan pays for itself with just a teeth cleaning appointment or one tooth-colored filling.

Who Is The Discount Membership Plan For?

The plan is for individuals or families who would like to save money on dental care but don’t have dental insurance.